Services We Offer
Explore the comprehensive services the Cancer Network offers
The Baptist Cancer Network is focused on assuring that the right care for
Southeast Texas cancer patients and their families is right here in Beaumont.
Our network provides a full range of services related to prevention,
early detection and treatment of cancer.

Chemotherapy is administered in several ways:
Intravenous (IV) is the most common method. A needle is inserted into a vein and attached with tubing to a plastic bag holding the drug. For patients who undergo several chemotherapy sessions, a catheter is inserted into one of the large veins and left in place during the entire course of treatment. Some patients have a metal or plastic port implanted under the skin as an IV connection device.
Oral chemotherapy drugs are taken by mouth, either in pill or liquid form.
Injections are administered into the muscle, under the skin or directly into a cancer lesion, depending on the type or location of the cancer.
Side effects of chemotherapy:
Side effects depend on the type of chemotherapy drugs used. The length and severity of chemotherapy side effects differ from patient to patient. Most are temporary and will disappear once treatment has ended. There are drugs and non-invasive comple-mentary therapies that can help alleviate some of the more severe symptoms. The most common side effects of chemotherapy include:
- Temporary hair loss
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Pain
- Increased risk of infection
- Depression
- Increased sun sensitivity
- Numbness or weakness in hands and feet
- Chemobrain: cognitive issues that include memory problems, trouble concentrating and other mental symptoms

Radiation Oncology
Radiation oncology team consists of radiation oncologists and their clinical staff – physicists, dosimetrists, radiation therapists, radiation navigators, and nurses who develop a treatment plan when radiation is determined to be an appropriate form of treatment for your type of cancer. The purpose of radiation therapy is to damage or destroy cancerous cells by preventing them from growing or dividing while minimizing adverse effects on nearby healthy organs and tissues. Radiation therapy, or “radiotherapy,” is the treatment of cancer using ionized radiation. Radiotherapy works by irradiating cancer cells, which harms and ultimately destroys them. Many types of cancer are treated by delivering the radiation via a beam from an external source, called “external-beam radiation therapy.”
At the Baptist Cancer Network, patients receive today’s most precise radiation applications due to our advanced cancer treatment planning systems and radiation oncology technology. Your cancer treatment plans may include one or more of the following technologies:
CT Simulator enhances radiation oncology treatment planning by generating three-dimensional images for achieving utmost accuracy in targeting and mapping specific treatment areas. With CT Simulation, oncologists can deliver high doses of radiation to a tumor while minimizing the amount of radiation to normal, surrounding tissues.
Cancer treatment planning is enhanced with the use of a three-dimensional treatment planning computer. Using the information and images provided by the CT Simulator, the computer generates a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s cancer care needs. Guided by three-dimensional models, the radiation oncologist, physicist and dosimetrists can accurately determine the optimal dose of radiation to be delivered during treatment.
The most precise form of external radiation therapy, IMRT is an advanced form of noninvasive radiation treatment enabling radiation oncologists to precisely target tumor cells. IMRT uses computer generated images and treatment planning to deliver high doses of radiation to a tumor while minimizing the amount of radiation to normal, surrounding tissues. Computed tomography (CT) and other imaging studies to build 3D diagnostic images and treatment plans to deliver tightly focused radiation beams of varying intensity to cancerous tumors without needles, tubes, or catheters. The higher dose to the tumor can result in a higher possibility of a cure, and with the addition of ultrasound technology to IMRT; radiation oncologists can localize treatment to the affected area, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.
The computer-controlled MLC accurately designs the size and shape of the radiation beam to conform to the tumor during the treatment planning process. Individually adjusted metal “leaves” vary beam intensity by blocking and protecting healthy tissue.
Today, using a technology known as image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), a tumor can be imaged just before the delivery of radiotherapy or even during a treatment, enabling radiation oncologists to verify its exact location, thereby reducing the margin of healthy tissue exposed to radiation to five millimeters and, in certain cases, to as little as one or two millimeters. If a tumor has shifted even slightly since a patient’s last visit, the radiation beams can be adjusted so that they hit it precisely.
Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) is a technique used while breast cancer patients receive radiation treatment. Holding a deep breath while receiving radiation therapy is one of many techniques used to help physicians reduce the amount of radiation that reaches the heart.
PET/CT is a relatively new imaging tool that combines two diagnostic imaging scan techniques in one – a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan and a CT scan. The combined PET and CT images enhance the physician’s ability to diagnose cancer at earlier stages, including recurrent cancers, and provide a clearer assessment of response to treatments, such as radiation therapy. PET/CT is mainly used for diagnosis, staging or restaging cancer and for evaluation of treatment response. Together the two procedures provide information about the location, nature of and the extent of a tumor. It answers questions such as: where is the tumor, how big is the tumor, is it malignant, benign or due to inflammatory change, and has it spread.
PET/ CT make it possible to customize patient treatment positions. This advanced equipment is able to reconstruct individual “slices” into a 3D image of the entire area scanned, giving the most detailed high-resolution image available. Because of the lightning-fast speed, these images allow for immediate treatment planning, allowing our physicians to evaluate tumors and surrounding structures in minute detail. When PET is used to image cancer, a radiopharmaceutical (such as fluorodeoxyglucose or FDG, which includes both a sugar and a radionuclide) is injected into a patient. Cancer cells metabolize sugar at higher rates than normal cells, and the radiopharmaceutical is drawn in higher concentrations to cancerous areas. The highly sensitive PET scan picks up the metabolic signal of actively growing cancer cells. The CT scan generates a detailed picture of internal anatomy, locating and revealing the size and shape of abnormal cancer growths. When these two results are fused together, the functional data from the PET imaging is correlated with anatomy on the CT images to give a single detailed and informative image. PET/CT allows for noninvasive evaluation of metabolic and anatomic information, providing a tremendous advantage over other currently available diagnostic tools.
Imaging Fusion technology enhances radiation treatment planning by enabling radiation oncologists to more precisely and confidently locate and define tumors. With Imaging Fusion, radiation oncologists can scale, rotate and translate target body parts or tissues into 3D images for a more accurate perspective of their size and shape.
ARIA is a comprehensive information and image management system that aggregates patient data into a fully-electronic medical chart. ARIA’s oncology-specific EMR streamlines care delivery and provides your healthcare team with immediate access to key information resulting in the ability to make sound clinical decisions in a timely manner.
ARIA, our patient management system is integrally linked to our Varian iX linear accelerator. This technology enables recording and verifying of patients’ specialized treatment plans. All information in the patient’s chart is stored in this system and is available at every workstation, saving time and ensuring quality control for each individual’s specific treatment.
When treating prostate cancer, the goal is to destroy the cancer cells while avoiding damage to healthy tissue. SpaceOAR is a hydrogel technology that creates space between the prostate and rectum to avoid damage to the rectum during Radiation Therapy treatments. We work with local Urologists Dr. Preston Kerr & Dr. Jenny Nguyen, who have been specially trained to insert this gel, significantly reducing the risk of damage to rectal tissue that can cause incontinence.

Our program has been accredited by the American Society for Radiation Oncology. To achieve this accreditation, we successfully met the standards of ASTRO’s APEx – Accreditation Program for Excellence.
The ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence, APEx, is an independent radiation oncology practice accreditation program. The program is based on a comprehensive set of sixteen standards of radiation oncology practice, organized around five pillars of
patient care:
- The process of care
- The radiation oncology team
- Safety
- Quality management
- Patient-centered care

When you choose our APEx-accredited facility, you know that:
a rigorous review process by trained
radiation oncology professionals.
in radiation oncology.
practice of radiation oncology.
by promoting effective communication, coordination of treatment and engaging
patients and their families as partners in care.

Suspicion of Cancer Clinic
The BRCN Suspicion of Cancer Clinic is here to diagnose possible cancer at an early and curable stage, when most treatment options are available. Patients are evaluated by a team of healthcare professionals that include Medical or Radiation Oncologists, who may then recommend a series of scans or biopsies to establish a diagnosis.The clinic sees new and existing patients, who can refer themselves or be referred by their physician.

Our Support Services
At the Baptist Cancer Center, we strive to provide the best possible treatment for cancer patients in the Beaumont and Southeast Texas area. Our team of cancer specialists frequently consult with academic institutions and sub-specialists to coordinate care and ensure Baptist Cancer Center continues to provide leading-edge cancer treatment.
Click a service below to learn more:
When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it can be an overwhelming experience. That’s why we have a specialized team to help patients through the process. The Baptist Regional Cancer Network’s Patient Navigators assist cancer patients in the transition from diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Patients are then able to traverse their cancer pathway more easily and focus on recovery and healing.
As the oncology center for Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas, Baptist Regional Cancer Network is accredited by the American College of Surgeons. Part of this accreditation includes reporting all new and active cases of cancer to the state of Texas and the National Cancer Database (NCDB). In order to abstract this data, we must submit all signs and symptoms, abnormal diagnostic procedures (Radiology and lab findings), surgery, pathology, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy and transplant information for research and trending. We also are required to follow our patients to assist the NCDB to determine the effectiveness of treatment, which helps research oncologists determine the best treatment for any particular type of cancer. Through these affiliations, the Baptist Regional Cancer Network is also able to participate in research protocols to help find new ways to treat cancer.
Tumor/Breast Conference is held twice a month on the first and third Thursday at Baptist Regional Cancer Center. At this conference we bring all clinical disciplines together to discuss the best treatment plans for our patients. Surgeons, Medical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Radiologists, Pathologists, Navigators, Social Workers, Dieticians, and Nurses are present to discuss newly diagnosed cancer patients or patients that may need changes in their treatment.
The patient’s medical history, symptoms, and family history of cancer are discussed. Imaging findings are reviewed by Radiologists and presented to the group, and Pathologists show slides of actual biopsies and present findings. Medical and Radiation Oncologists, along with the team of Surgeons, then discuss and give recommendations on treatment(s) needed for best survival outcomes for our patients. Holding Tumor Conferences is one of the standards for the Baptist Regional Cancer Network’s accreditations with the NAPBC and COC.
Nutrition is a core component in the treatment process for cancer patients. Nutritious foods that benefit overall health can support the body in fighting against cancer, can promote healing, and can prevent other diseases or complications. At the Baptist Regional Cancer Network, all patients have access to an Oncology Dietitian. Patients may receive individualized nutrition counseling at any point in their journey and can even continue after treatment. The dietitian works alongside the doctors and oncology team to integrate the nutrition care process into the plan of care. During treatment, the dietitian provides specific educations based on need, including: how to mitigate or address side-effects, supporting a healthy gut, enhancing energy, regulating laboratory values, navigating allergies, and use of alternative nutrition. Once treatment is completed, focus transitions to life-long nutritious habits for supporting health. Any patient can request to be seen by our dietician, Bethany Williams, MS, RDN, LD by calling 409-212-5980
We understand that navigating recovery can have various challenges. That is why the Baptist Regional Cancer Network and Baptist Behavioral Health work together to ensure that you have the emotional support that you need. One of the steps we take to help on the journey is to screen and identify individuals who may need the assistance of a Licensed Social Worker at Baptist Behavioral Health to meet with you in your time of need while at the Center.
For more information on this process or additional mental health resources, please call Kayla D. Tiller, LBSW MSW at 409-212-5908.
While providing care for patients and family members at the Baptist Regional Cancer Network, it is not uncommon to hear phrases like, “please pray for me,” “I am scared,” “this thing hurts” “I do not know how this is going to turn out,” “thank you,” “I am worried about my family,” “I am sick,” “I am tired,” “I am ready to die,” “I am grateful for life” and “God seems so distant.” These and many other words accompany patients and their family members who are facing cancer.
Efficacy of cancer treatment continues to evolve through research, technology and constant searching for new treatment modalities so as to bring a cure and healing for those facing cancer. One component of any kind of treatment of a patient with a life-threatening illness is care of the Spirit. While other foci of treatment evolve with new clinical data, spiritual care has remained steadfast as an integral part of cancer treatment and healing.
Numerous studies have shown that spiritual well-being helps persons manage feelings of anxiety, hopelessness and isolation that come with illness. In her book, A Time for Listening and Caring, physician Christina M. Puchalski stated that, “In a questionnaire sent out by the American Pain Society (1998), prayer was the second most common method of pain management after oral medications, and was the most common nondrug method of pain management.” Many patients rely on spiritual or religious beliefs and practices to help them cope. In a study of nearly 600 severely ill patients, those who sought a connection with a benevolent God, as well as support from clergy and faith group members, were much less depressed and rated their quality of life as higher, even after taking into account the severity of their illness. Continued major research on cancer coping points to the help of spiritual care during illness.
Chaplains are available 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday, to attend to the spiritual and emotional needs of patients, families and staff. You can reach the Chaplain by notifying any staff member or calling the Chaplain’s Department at 409-212-5890.
Pink Power Network, Breast Cancer Support Group – A support group specifically for our breast cancer patients. This program is provided by Baptist Cancer Center and the Julie Rogers “Gift of Life”. Program offered twice in one day on the 3rd Thursday of every month. 12:00pm Charline and Sidney “Chief” Dauphin Center Conference Room 740 Hospital Drive, Ste. 100 RSVP 409-212-7962 6:00pm Gift of Life 148 South Dowlen Rd. RSVP 409-833-3663
Sacred Circle – The Sacred Circle is a loving meeting place for people with cancer and those touched by the disease. It helps many people cope with the emotional aspects of cancer by providing a safe space to share their feelings and challenges, and also allows people to learn from others facing similar situations. Sacred Circle meets monthly on the Second Tuesday of each month. 10a-11a at BRCN Julie & Ben Rogers Cancer Center Lobby. 3555 Stagg Dr, Beaumont. Light snacks and water served. RSVP to 409.212.5914
The American Cancer Society recommends screening guidelines for individuals who are at high risk of lung cancer due to cigarette smoking. If you meet all of the following criteria then you might be a candidate for screening:
- 50 to 80 years of age
- In fairly good health
- Have at least a 20 pack-year smoking history AND are either still smoking or have quit smoking within the last 15 years
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas Specialty Pharmacy provides medication typically prescribed for chronic or complex medical conditions that may not be available through a neighborhood pharmacy. Our team of highly skilled pharmacy staff and medical professionals work together to meet your unique needs, offering personalized, coordinated care.
The Specialty Pharmacy program provides home delivery of prescriptions, education and counseling, automatic refill scheduling, and patient services offered in multiple languages. Our pharmacy staff will provide all the information you need to properly dose and administer your medications, and we’re here to answer any questions or help manage any side effects.
When you or a loved one is going through cancer treatments, we understand the financial burden can be overwhelming. We have a Financial Counselor here for you to help estimate your cost of treatment and set up a payment plan that meets the needs of your income.
Our Financial Counselor also works with our Social Worker to help identify drug programs that may be available to help our patients cover the costs of treatments.